Enjoy our random resources…
but play at your own risk…
You’ve been warned…
Click here for a list of classes I teach and find out how to book me for your event.
Do you need help? Have you experienced discrimination due to your sexual orientation? Would you like to support those that have dedicated their lives to ensuring our sexual freedom?
NCSF Mission Statement
The NCSF is committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the US that advances equal rights for consenting adults who engage in alternative sexual and relationship expressions.
The NCSF aims to advance the rights of, and advocate for, consenting adults in the BDSM-Leather-Fetish, Swing, and Polyamory Communities.
We pursue our vision through direct services, education, advocacy, and outreach, in conjunction with our partners, to directly benefit these communities.
Interested in creating your own podcast? Here’s who I learned from:
“Limits and Interests”
If you have ever wanted an extensive list of “limits & kinks” to share with your play partner(s) or just to see for yourself you have found the right place. Just click on the “limits & Kinks” link below, complete the survey, and your completed results will be emailed to you. Prepare yourself because your answers WILL surprise you!!!
“Limits & Interests Survey”
“Y” = Yes/I like it! / “S” = Soft Limit/Maybe? / “H” = Hard Limit/NO!
Basic Sexual Consent Form

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Social Media and Email
Want to do it old school and send a letter or a gift?
M. Kuldrin
257 N. Calderwood Rd. #168
Alcoa, TN 37701