Recorded: 10/31/2021 / Published: 4/28/2022
- In this week’s episode of The Krypt we are diving into the extremely important topic of risk mitigation in BDSM.
- Welcome to Kuldrin’s Krypt. I’m your host Master Kuldrin. If you are new to the show we use our combined 30 years of BDSM experience and my 20 years working in the psychology field to dispel myths, get rid of stereotypes, and answer your questions about BDSM. You can call in at 865-268-4005 to leave your question or visit the Krypt at
Rules to Love By: (
- Safe, sane, consensual, and informed
- KNKI: Knowledge, No Intolerance, Kindness, Integrity
- “Submission is not about authority and it’s not about obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.” -Wm. Paul Young
“BDSM Risk Mitigation-S04E12”
- Deviant Discussions Podcast and (Https://
- Risk Mitigation:
- Definition (Project Management Institute): The process of developing options and actions to enhance opportunities and reduce threats to project objectives.
- Risk mitigation Progress Monitoring (Project Management Institute):
- Definition: The tracking of identified risks, identifying new risks, and evaluating risk process effectiveness throughout the project.
- Steps of Risk Mitigation:
- Risk Identification:
- Risk Impact Assessment:
- Risk Prioritization Analysis:
- Risk Mitigation Planning, Implementation, and Progress Monitoring.
- Risk Mitigation Handling Options: (
- Assume/Accept: Acknowledge the existence of a particular risk, and make a deliberate decision to accept it without engaging in special efforts to control it.Communication by all parties is required for risks to be accepted.
- Avoid: Adjust scene requirements or constraints to eliminate or reduce the risk. This adjustment could be accommodated by a change in scheduling, venue, technical requirements, food, implements to be used, etc.
- Control: Implement actions to minimize the impact or likelihood of the risk.
- Transfer: Reassign accountability, responsibility, and authority to another person/play partner willing to accept the risk.
- Watch/Monitor: Monitor the environment for changes that affect the nature and/or the impact of the risk. The environment includes but is not limited to: venue, location, area of the body for play, implements used, consumables (foods available), time of day, week, month, year, participants, observers, length of scene, music, etc.
- Example: Risk Mitigation for Impact Play (
- Definition: A scene involving one person striking themselves or another person in a sexual or nonsexual manner.
- Common risks: Bruising, Cuts, Scratches, Bone damage, Internal injuries
- Key Requirements: Negotiation, Verbal and nonverbal safewords, Aftercare and secondary aftercare
- Considerations for Play:
- Be patient and progress slow. Start low. Go slow.
- Practice on inanimate objects.
- Communicate high risk areas (Top and bottom)
- Focus on fleshy areas.
- Allow time to heal.
Important Links:
- Full show notes:
- National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Show Producers:
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Kuldrin Entertainment, LLC
257 N. Calderwood Rd. #168
Alcoa, TN 37701
- – Benefactor ($2,000/month):
- – Pro Producer ($100/month): Buffalo_Max92
- – Master Producer ($50/month):
- – Executive Producer ($25/month) ShadowyFox, JunicornsAngel, Johnny Ferrell, Haru Webb, Rei Webb, Anomalous Mats, Just_Call_Me_Ash, Kiongakyu, and Frozen Moron
- – Sr. Producers ($10/month): xEmeraldxWolfx, Trouble113, RoxieBear, ThatPlace: Oklahoma City, Alexandria, babylove&T-Rex, SortOutTheKinks, Master Gabriel, Knot_the_Daddy, Atsila, Daddy Steve, Sir Pent, KJ, AuthorMistressBlackrose, UpstateScCouple, Crystal Force, Cali, PerfectlyThick, Odie & Ceci, Cap’n J, Saviy, AK-47, Mr. Byond, and CurtainCall
- – Producers ($5/month): Kainsin, Hadea, Sir&Kitten, Raven, MBRpoodle, LylacWine, Baddogbad, Arctic Foxglove, MsRedSin & AJRJ, Katnipmeow, WyldThyme&Deacon Sean, CheeryQuery, Ropestuff2, Rabbit, BurningRedHot, Sir Wolf ArchAngel, Subx13, CourtsDom, Gator, Gizmo, JJ, Jon Shaw, TheCheshyre, Ben, TinkerBratTN, Brittany, Sekhmets_Shadow, Beatrix Kiddo, Solstice, FetishArtist, and SirBNice
- – Jr. Producers ($1/month): K-2SO, Jeremiah, Morgana13, Brodie, The Gabbing Girl Time Podcast, Lexa, and Ashley
Vendors I know, like, trust, and use: (None of these are paid sponsors of the podcast.)
- – Coupon code: kuldrin20 for a 20% discount on all purchases.
- – – My personal maker of most things leather and paracord impact toys.
- – – Fine fetish furniture and accessories
- –
- – Tink’s Toys Fb Group: Fetlife Profile: *coupon for listeners (first purchase only) TinksToys13
- – Dark Delights Shops: (Watch my product review of them:
Contact info:
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- Fetlife Group:
- Fb: Kuldrin Fire
- Twitter: @MasterKuldrin
- Instagram: masterkuldrin
- Patreon: kuldrinskrypt