Kuldrin’s Krypt: A BDSM 101 Podcast
December 23, 2016
- This is Kuldrin’s Krypt season 1 episode 5 for December 23rd, 2016.
- (start theme pre-roll) Welcome to Kuldrin’s Krypt I’m your host Master Kuldrin. If you are new to the show this is a place to dispell myths, get rid of stereotypes, and answer your questions about BDSM. You can call in at 865-268-4005 to leave your question or visit the Krypt at kudrinskrypt.com. Today we are going take a look at what it is to be a Switch.
- Rules to Love by:
- Safe, sane, consensual, informed
- KNKI: Knowledge, No Intolerence, Kindness, Integrity
- “Submission is not about authority and it’s not about obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.” -Wm. Paul Young
- The Switch
- Dom/sub-Psychological
- Top/bottom-Physical
- From: http://www.submissiveguide.com/encyclopedia/switch/
- In BDSM, a switch is someone who participates in SM activities as both a top and a bottom, or possibly in D/s activities as both a Dominant and a submissive. A switch will be the top on some occasions and the bottom on other occasions, not necessarily with the same partner. Switching within a scene, or even during a session is very rare.
- Switches are known to get a negative reaction from some purists who believe you can not be a switch and that these individuals just can’t make up their minds. This is far from the truth. It is difficult to define exactly who is a switch; there are many heated debates about switches on the BDSM forums. However, it is agreed that a switch is someone who can be either a top or bottom (not necessarily to the same person), one who can both dominate and submit.
- Common Myths:
- Switches are confused because they haven’t met the right person
- Switches can’t be successful as a “real” Dom or as a “real” sub.
- Switches are typically bisexual
- Common mistakes
- Proper mental state to “scene”
- Communication breakdown
- Not knowing difference between dominant & domineering
- Summary
- People often shy away from admitting they like to switch because they fear derision.
- Being a switch is just as valuable a role as either of the others. The art of being able to fully submit or be a Top at one moment or another takes a very strong person that knows exactly what they want from BDSM and goes out to get it.
- We are going to get into the ins and out of Dom and sub space/drop and how that can affect a relationship.
Contact info:
- Email: masterkuldrin@gmail.com
- Fb: Kuldrin Fire
- Twitter: @MasterKuldrin
- Instagram: kuldrinfire
- Patreon: kuldrinskrypt
- Paypal: MastKuldrin
- kuldrinskrypt.com/contactresource