Kuldrin’s Krypt: A BDSM 101 Podcast
December 30, 2016
- This is Kuldrin’s Krypt season 1 episode 6 for December 30th, 2016.
- (start theme pre-roll) Welcome to Kuldrin’s Krypt I’m your host Master Kuldrin. If you are new to the show this is a place to dispell myths, get rid of stereotypes, and answer your questions about BDSM. You can call in at 865-268-4005 to leave your question or visit the Krypt at kudrinskrypt.com. On this epidode of Kuldrin’s Krypt we are going respond to a listener’s email, revisit the KNKI App and answer the following questions about Dom/sub space & Dom/sub drop. What is it? Is it real? And is aftercare really that important?
- Rules to Love by and the KNKI App:
- Safe, sane, consensual, informed
- KNKI: Knowledge, No Intolerence, Kindness, Integrity
- “Submission is not about authority and it’s not about obedience; it is all about relationships of love and respect.” -Wm. Paul Young
- Addressing why I always reference other sites:
- Why reinvent the wheel
- Like churches in the south, there’s already one on every corner…I’m not so sure another is the answer. It should be about quality not quantity.
- I’m not trying to write a book or a complete guide BDSM at this point. I’m just giving general information and resources so those interested can have a place to start.
- Dom/sub Space:
- http://dominantguide.com/2312/dom-space-is-that-a-thing/
- http://dominantguide.com/1309/lets-explore-subspace/
- What causes it: the chemical endorphin release caused by the excitement and the psychology of the scene.
- What it feels like: Being high, completely cathartic, tunnel vision, time shifting, out of body, extreme bonding (imprinting)
- How to get there: First, you can’t focus on it-a watched pot never boils. 1: Ritual 2: Intimacy/trust 3: Confidence/flow/presence 4: Fexibility/relaxation
- Ted Talk about flow http://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow
- The difference between Dompace and subspace: Domspace isn’t as obtainable due to the need of the Dom to stay in control and not violating any limits.
- Dom/sub Drop: A feeling of emptiness or depression after a scene ends and the chemicals and emotions are returning to normal.
- For subs it’s usually very quick to follow the scene. With Dom’s it can happen a week after scene. For me it’s usually three days.
- Aftercare: http://dominantguide.com/encyclopedia/aftercare/
- Defined: the negotiated time after a scene or play time where you recover and take care of each other’s needs. This is also a time to reconnect to reality and re-establish roles outside the scene. Some scenes are very intense emotionally and psychologically and the Dominant may need to help the submissive unwind and recover. Dominants also need aftercare; some like a massage or sex, but at the least you should both get re-hydrated and rest.
- Next week it’s a requested/suggested topic-”Rights Vs Privileges”.
Contact info:
- Email: masterkuldrin@gmail.com
- Fb: Kuldrin Fire
- Twitter: @MasterKuldrin
- Instagram: kuldrinfire
- Patreon: kuldrinskrypt
- Paypal: MasterKuldrin
- https://kuldrinskrypt.com/contactresource